Week of October 23, 2017

This is the last week of first quarter. Can you believe it?

This Week in Physics
By Monday please be sure to take notes on Unit 2 Podcast 2: Vector Resolution and bring your books to class on Monday so that we can complete assignment 2 and an additional vector resolution activity. Following that we will take a quiz over all of goal set 1 as announced, and this will be the last grade for this quarter. We will also go outside to do an outdoor vector lab, weather permitting, during one of your double period classes as announced. By the end of the week by the date assigned in class please take notes on PODCAST 3: A Conceptual Look at Projectile Motion. On the following day be sure to take notes on our last podcast for the unit, PODCAST 4: A Quantitative Look at Projectile Motion. Next week we will complete an experiment on projectiles and will finish unit 2.

Cool Science of the Week
Have you ever questioned the old saying that if you dig a hole straight through the center of the Earth, you’d wind up in China? Now you can find out for certain where you’d wind up with this antipodes map. What’s an antipode? It’s the diametrically-opposite position on Earth from a particular location. Before you test our own Avon Lake on this map, make a guess first to see how right you are!