Week of April 30, 2012

This week in Physics we will continue looking at circuits by finalizing our work with series circuits and expanding our view to include parallel circuits and, by the end of the week, compound circuits. We will complete homework 2 in class on Monday followed by a quiz on Tuesday or Wednesday over podcasts 3 and 4 and homework 2. By Tuesday you should watch podcast 5, and by Wednesday watch podcast 6. We will do a virtual lab on parallel circuits and do homework 3 in class, followed by a quiz on Thursday or Friday.

This week in Conceptual Physics we will begin our exploration of electric circuits. This is a very fun unit in which you’ll get to build circuits and find out about the foundation of our technological world! You should watch podcast 1 by Monday when we will do homework 1 in class, followed by a quiz on Tuesday or Wednesday. We will do a virtual lab on Tuesday, and you should watch podcast 2 by Wednesday so that you can do homework 2 in class. We will have a quiz over these on Thursday or Friday, when we will also do another virtual lab.

Awesome science news of the week: Interested in dinosaurs? Check out this news from NASA!

Week of April 23, 2012

This week in physics we will continue to examine how electric circuits work. Refer to the Unit 8 page for resources. We will examine resistance and Ohm’s Law (podcast 2) and do homework 1 in class. Expect a quiz on this homework on Tuesday or Wednesday. Then we will do a lab to explore the properties of a type of circuit. You should take notes on podcast 3 and podcast 4 by Wednesday to prepare yourself for homework 2, which we will do in class on Wednesday and possibly Thursday. A quiz will follow. Then we will do a lab to explore a second type of circuit. Be sure to take notes on podcast 5 and podcast 6 by Friday. NOTE: Your lab report on the electric fields lab is due on TUESDAY of THIS WEEK.

This week in Conceptual Physics we will discuss what you learned in the electrostatics podcasts 6 and 7, which are due on Monday. We will do homework 4 and have our unit test on Wednesday. We will start the electric circuits unit on Thursday. Be sure to watch the first electric circuits podcast by Thursday. We will work on homework 1 on Friday or the following Monday.

SCIENCE FUN FOR THE WEEK: Check out The Scale of the Universe. It’s amazing!

Week of April 16, 2012

This week in physics class…
We will finish unit 7. You should watch and take notes on podcasts 6 & 7 by the day we return from break (April 16.) We will do the final homework from this unit and take the unit test on Wednesday, April 18.  See Unit 7 – Electrostatics Main Page for documents and podcasts. Then the fun begins with electric circuits (Unit 8 – Electric Circuits Main Page). You should watch and take notes on podcasts 1 & 2 by Thursday. We will do homework 1 from this unit on Thursday and Friday.

This week in Conceptual Physics class…
We will finish our discussion of electric force, doing homework 2 and taking a quiz. Non-math portions of podcasts 1-3 are relevant for this week (See Unit 7 – Electrostatics Main Page.) Then we will explore electric fields and electric potential energy and do the final homework from the chapter. We will likely take a test on Friday or next Monday.

HEY EVERYONE! Guess what we get to play with this week!!!!