We are now entering the second half of second quarter, as the interim was Friday the 22nd. Exams are coming up on us fast, so you might want to use a little time over Thanksgiving break to brush up on past topics. Exams take place December 18-20.
This assignment blog covers two weeks because of the amazing Thanksgiving vacation we’re about to have. Enjoy your time off! 🙂
These Weeks in AP Physics
For Monday 11/25 do pages 62-64 in the new workbook. We will cover circular motion and do additional workbook pages, tremendously great problems, and a SUPER fun lab. After that we’ll take a spin into the topic of rotational motion and torque. We’ll follow the usual routine with that. Scavenger hunt! There is an Easter egg relevant to our current topic somewhere on my website. See if you can find it!
These Weeks in Physics
On Monday 11/25 we will take a big quiz over goal set 1, so be sure to prepare well for that. This quiz will be worth twice the points of a normal quiz. Goal set 2 is due on Monday for 3rd period, and we will take a quiz over it on Tuesday. Eleventh period will take the goal set 2 quiz after break. (Remember we missed Friday’s class due to the pep rally.) We will also do a lab on friction. When announced please take notes on video 3 from unit 3. We will go over it in class and will complete assignment 3, goal set 3, and take a quiz.